
Formentera Lady online cinema (android) 100





Pau Durà Reviews: Samuel is an old hippie musician who settled in Formentera in the 1970s, when King Crimson and other British rock bands frequented the island. There he lives austerely, in a ramshackle house without electric light or unnecessary luxuries, and plays the banjo in a friends' club. Until one day, after many years, he receives the unexpected visit of his daughter Anna and his grandson Marc. Anna, unemployed for some time, says she has had to accept a job in France and is forced to leave her little son on the island with grandfather Samuel Actor: Nora Navas Duration: 1 h, 25 Min release Date: 2018.

25/06/2018 - The great José Sacristán infuses Pau Duràs debut film with truth in this sharply scripted dramedy about a hippy contemplating his life. Soy de Argentina y he visto varias películas de este Sr. Director y es excelente. Wutttttt. Mournfully glide o'er my island. Waves sweep the sand from my island. My dawn bride's veil, damp and pale. Prog Album of the Week - Week 129 (07/01/2016) King Crimson - Islands. Loro che cazzo di bellissima bellezza.


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